Hey there 👋, I am Utkarsh Kumar a
Full-stack Developer
UX Designer
Cloud Enthusiast
100 Mts
About Me
Hello! My name is Utkarsh Kumar a vegetarian, an musicophile and a passionate full-stack developer from Bhutan. The genre of music that I usually listen to are pop, hip-hop, electronic and occasionally folk.
I started to fiddle with code since 2013 by hitting F12 to open the developer console so I can alter the HTML content of games website. This taught me a lot about how HTML, Javascript and CSS work to make an website and soon drove enough interest within me to become a well versed developer.
I have worked with many technologies such as React JS, Express JS, Go Fiber, Django, Svelte, Solid JS etcetera and have also created websites that provide good UX to its users.

200 Mts

Backend Developer Intern
Jan 2021 - Present

Backend Developer Intern
Jan 2021 - Present

Coming Soon
Stay Tuned!